Below is a list of current map projections available in AstroMap. For a description of each projection please see the reference document of the [R] Mapproj package.
List of Projections:
aitoff, albers, azequalarea, azequidist, bonne, conic, cylequalarea, cylindrical, eisenlohr, elliptic, fisheye, globular, gall, gilbert, guyou, harrison, lagrange, lambert, mercator, mollweide, newyorker, orthographic, perspective, polyconic, rectangular, simpleconic, sinusoidal, trapezoidal, sp_albers
AstroMap allows the user to overplot a number of astronomical objects and tracks. Click on the name for a more detialed description of the object. Currently available objects are:
Ecliptic - The path of the position of the sun in relation to the celestial sphere over the year.
Sun - The the position of the sun in relation to the celestial sphere on todays date.
Milky Way - The plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Milky Way Centre - The centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.
LMC - The Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the nearby satellite galaxies to the Milky Way.
SMC - The Small Magellanic Cloud, another of the nearby satellite galaxies to the Milky Way.
Abell clusters - Catalogue of nearby massive galaxy clusters compiled by George O. Abell in 1958.
3CR - The revised Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources. Catalogue of bright 159MHz and 178MHz sources in the northern sky.
Messier Objects - Catalogue of >100 objects first identified by French astronomer Charles Messier in 1771.
Virgo Cluster - Nearby cluster of galaxies.
Coma Cluster - More distant massive cluster of galaxies.
Fornax Cluster - Nearby merging cluster of galaxies.
HIPASS Sources - HIPASS Galaxy Sample from Meyer et al. 2004.
HIPASS BGC - HIPASS 1000 brightest Galaxy Sample from Koribalski et al. 2004.
NHIPASS - Northern HIPASS Galaxy Sample from Wong et al. 2006.
HIZOA - The Parkes H I Zone of Avoidance Survey from Stavely-Smith et al. 2016.
AstroMap allows the user to overplot a number of current wide area astronomical surveys. Click on the survey name for a link to the survey web pages. If you would like to have your survey layout added to AstroMap, please contact Luke here: .
Currently available wida area survey layouts are:
GAMA - Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey
SDSS - Sloan Digital Sky Survey
H-ATLAS - Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey
VST-KiDs - VLT Survey Telescope Kilo Degree Survey
VST-atlas - VLT Survey Telescope ATLAS
HSC - Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey
Stripe 82 - SDSS deep equitorial stripe
XMM-LSS - XMM-Newton Large Scale Structure survey
XMM-XXL - The Ulitmate XMM-Newton Extragalactic survey
HIPASS - HI Parkes All Sky Survey
ALFALFA - Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA
AstroMap allows the user to overplot a number of small area, deep astronomical surveys. Deep surveys are plotted in AstroMap with thier correct field size. However, as many of these fields are very small, they are also marked with a circle at their centre (to allow the field to be clearly visible). Click on the survey name for a link to the survey web pages. If you would like to have your survey layout added to AstroMap, please contact Luke here: .
Currently available deep survey layouts are:
CDF-N - Chandra Deep Field North
CDF-S - Chandra Deep Field South
CFHTLS-DF - Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Deep Fields
COMBO17 - Classifying Objects by Medium-Band Observations in 17-bands
COSMOS - Cosmological Evolution Survey
E-CDFS - Extended Chandra Deep Field South
ELIAS - Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic survey - ELAIS deep fields
FIRES - Faint InfraRed Extragalactic Survey
GEMS - Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Survey
GOODS - The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey
HUDF - Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
Lockman - trhe Lockman hole region
MUSYC - Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile
NOAO - National Optical Astronomy Observatory deep fields
SHADES - The SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey
SSA - Hawaii Deep Survey Fields SSA13 and SSA22
WIRE - Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic survey
SXDS - Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey
UKIDSS - UK InfraRed Telescope Deep Sky Survey deep fields
UKIDDS-UDS - UKIDSS Ultra-deep field
UltraVISTA - Ultra Deep Survey with the VISTA telescope
VIMOS DF - VIMOS deep field, UKIDSS Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS) 22h field
AstroMap allows the user to overplot a number of upcoming astronomical surveys. Click on the survey name for a link to the survey web pages. If you would like to have your current survey layout added to AstroMap, please contact Luke here: .
Currently available upcoming survey layouts are:
DEVILS - Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey . Ongoing ~60,000 galaxy spectroscopic sample from the AAT.
WAVES - Wide Area VISTA Extragalactic survey . ~2M galaxy spectroscopic survey with 4MOST/VISTA.
DINGO - Deep Investigation of Neutral Gas Origins . Deep HI and continuum survey with ASKAP.
WALLABY - ASKAP HI All-Sky Survey.
EMU - Evolutionary Map of the Universe . ASKAP continuum All-Sky Survey.
Euclid - ESA medium class optical/NIR 1.2 space mission.
W-FIRST - Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope . NASA NIR 2.4m space mission.
eROSITA - German/Russian x-ray space mission.